dimanche 19 juin 2016



Après "Garage gazogène", je poursuis mon approche sur le thème du garage "d"autrefois"... aujourd'hui cette fois, avec la reprise de mon projet Polaroil pour présentation prochaine en expos, en m'étant inspiré d'une photo de Marc Combier, tirée d'un de ses ouvrages épuisé. Comme à mon habitude, j'apporte moultes variations personnelles à la situation originelle, en ajoutant certains éléments ou en retravaillant certains effets.
L'évolution par bribes apparaîtra au fil du temps pour un aboutir au résultat final dans quelques semaines.

I continue my work on the topic depicting the garages of the pastimes...nowadays this time, back on my project "Polaroil" so that to be ready & framed for my next exhibition. I took inspiration from an original situation captured by Marc Combier which appeared in one of his fantastic sold out book. As usual, I will bring some personal variations, by adding some items or by re-working some effects.
Some sequenced steps will appear on my pages to lead to the result in a few weeks.

5 commentaires:

  1. Hi Emmanuel, always a plaesure to see your work. The bricks look amazing. Thanks for sharing. Greetings, Marco

  2. Hello Marco, always a pleasure to read your comments time by time.
    Hope you could be able to enjoy my framed and in boxes works in 3D on my 8m booth planed for
    my next exhib in Belgium / mid october. Will give further details in September.

  3. Hello Emmanuel, thanks I feel very honored. Looking forward to hear more. Greetings, Marco

  4. Hope I could meet some of my followers and fans there, on this occasion. It's always great to see the work in real. Don't feel honored, I'm a simple guy, just one rather different modeller among many other masters.

  5. Hope I could meet some of my followers and fans there, on this occasion. It's always great to see the work in real. Don't feel honored, I'm a simple guy, just one rather different modeller among many other masters.
